Sunday, 25 September 2011

Can we get much higher?

This could get quite boring. I hope that it does. If I have to write about us winning by large margins every week, I'm quickly going to run out of superlatives and endlessly repeating the phrase 'keeping momentum' isn't going to be very interesting to anyone. The facts as they stand now are that we are in position one in the league, we've scored seven and conceded none. We are pleased. It feels like this league game has been a long time coming. With pre-season and the cup we've been screwed on for a while now, waiting for this game. One of mine and H's worries before the match was that we were under-prepared, it was a problem last season for home games and something we need to stamp out. What I'm talking about is silly things like lateness, not focusing early enough, starting the game after it has started mentally. That is like a poison, but I'm happy to say that we were not infected by it on Saturday.

Last season we beat a team 9-0. With the greatest of respect to them they were awful. I don't want to take the mickey though because this team lost by double figures nearly every week, scored only 3 goals in the entire season and had to travel at least 15 miles for every game, yet they still turned up and played every single week. You have to applaud that. This weekend that same team played our new men's 4th team, and drew 4-4, I'm happy for them to have found a level. The reason I mention this team is because with our large margin of victory (7-0, if I hadn't mentioned it) was not against a team that were vastly inferior to us. They gave a good fight of it and you could see that they had some qualities and pace of their own. But it wasn't anywhere near us. We shut them out and piled the goals in, and getting the goals is exactly what we missed last season. Our play in the D is finally coming on to match our play on the rest of the field, we're dangerous now, and we can come at teams from lots of different angles. I'm not going to get specific but our work and effort have allowed us to start scoring easily. The perfect example is the two goals I scored yesterday, I didn't smash them in from the top, I didn't beat 6 men and flick it top corner. I waited on the P spot for the ball to come to me and put it in the goal, simple (although I, and any other forward worth a damn, loves to smash one in from the top).

What I'm saying is we earned all seven of our goals and all three of our points. And now we need to go out and do the exact same thing 21 more times and we'll be where we want to be. That's going to be a battle, we have to prove our class every week, we start from nothing every week and play against the worlds hardest team every week. One things pretty sure, we're up for that. If we could've played our next game straight after the last one I think we would have. I know H would've anyway, he had plenty of energy to spare. So that's it guys, the balls is rolling and we're on our way. I'll hope to bring you some bleeping bleep test talk next time out, although another rhyme might have to wait for a while I'm afraid, see you next time.

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